Wednesday, March 30, 2005


*is chased around the house by beserk Roombas, b/c she caught onto their dastardly plans, runs shrieking to the hills, flailing her arms wildly...EPP!!*

I have found something that has the potential to become the most evil thing i have ever heard of...its called....a's a little mechanical floor cleaner, that makes it so one ever has to's tiny..and ....robot-looking..and for one such as i, who has watched too much sci-fi channel, this thing it truely, what if it's little floor cleaning computer brain went A-wall? haywire?? what if it started eating ppl's toes???? WHAT IF IT'S SEMI-ADVANCED AI WENT ALL LOOPY, AND IT WENT ON A RAMPAGE????!!!!!!!!! you think termites are trouble, wait til a Roomba gets loose in your house!!!!!!!
the chaos! the terror! KEEP YOUR FEET OFF THE FLOOR!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*huff huff huff* ok, sorry...had to have sar smack me out of that one....but seriously, as she would say...we can do this, and we can't get further as humans in space? what a waste of technology........

here's what the little demons look like:

and they have dirt-sense intelligence??? AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they have INTELLIGENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


so..anyone ever read the back of a crest toothpaste bottle?
appreantly for "best results" you are supposed to squeeze the tube from the bottom and roll to the top..making it all neat and orderly...and insuring that you will never have to work for toothpaste....
my opinion?
there is some anal retentive dentist-type advisor out there, who just HAS TO HAVE the toothpaste roll perfect...and there is no ACTAUL TOOTHPASTE secret reveiled when you roll the tube just so...hermm..i could write a whole paper about this, sadly enough

Monday, March 28, 2005


ok, easter was wonderful!
this is what easter dinner consists of in the eckerd-house hold
*one half of a real ham...there is nothing like a real ham... *sigh..poooorrrrkkk..heehee*
*cream of mushroom potatos
*sweet corn
*steamed broccoli
*homemade yeast rolls * mum and bread...its WONDERFUL*
and for dessert *drumroll please*.....!!!!!!!!!1
one very large, very green, very yummy...pistashio cake

and you wonder why mama eckerd has such big strapping girls as children!
speaking of which...sar and i were talking about it you have any idea how proud our mama will be of all of us? i mean look at it, i'm not being of her children will be an architect/engineer (naomi), one will be a marine botanist (sarah) and one will be a musician, hopefully playing in the military, and then on her own (moi)..andwe will suceed in this b/c we were not raised to give up...we have drive, brains, and the strength of will to make our lives work... we are our mother's daughter's and we do not accept 2nd place.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

life update

ok, so life update!

* my audition for ASU's school of music turned up wonderful, and i have been accepted into the saxophone studio this coming fall (WHEEEE!!!!!!!!!!)
*since i signed up to be a music/composition major.....i have to submit compositions and meet with the guy in charge of those ppl..eek(i'm still trying to finish a third one to turn in!! and any inspriation would be welcome, jk)
*i am now ON SPRING BREAK!!! HELL YES! 9 days of nothing but the occational shift at work...*sigh*...not quite heaven..but close :)
*State lost last night...and i don't want to hear about it
*still hunting for scholarship money
*traveling down to raliegh the 2nd of April to audition for the NC national guard band...EKKKKK!!!! *wheeze....hope it goes well...really really really hope it goes well*
*Did i mention it was SPRING????!!!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2005

more sun!!

yes yes yes!! FINALLY!!! i got to go on a picnic with the BF today at lunchtime, instead of spending it in the normal way...inside...somewhere with no sun...and very few
but yay for today!!! sunshine! breezes! wonderful overlooks! wildlife!!! it was hope my BF knows how much getting outside means to me...he didn't complain at all...maybe he realizes how much being cooped up inside sucks for me....i mean..truely truely drives me flippin' abstract...but coolness...
and i offically hate weddings! yay for the happy couple and all that, but WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ON THE DAY OF OUR TEACHER-STUDENT DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT?????!!!!! i had a whole team assembled and EVERYTHING!!!! that's 8 ppl!! unfortunately, out of those 8 ppl, 4 can't offically make has to work, 2 now have to go to a wedding, and the 4th is gonna be at a university somewhere....ah well...i would have LOVED to be in on the dodgeball match....but...ah well....

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


ya know...i have to give some credit out....
and the award for best support.............!! goes to...............!!!
yes, my nutty, deep, convoluted, wise sister..she posts about me on her blog...encouragingly....enthusiasticly(sp?)...wonderfully!
credit given!

to my claire love my claire..i really do..she's so sweet and so much fun to hang with, and she's introduced me (via IM) to the wonderful jeff, who is as amusing as it gets, and just as odd as the rest of "us" claire recently suffered a setback in the world of what we in the biz like to call "ritual torture" and what others call "dating" (odd concept....why would you want to know someone's age, and then go eat pizza with them? and it really just seems a way for desperate ppl to have sex...which is still very very odd...*sigh* what a crazy world) lovely claire/prirate/god'ess has been wronged..i mean com'n, people really do nasty things to one anouther....but i want her (and all of my other readers!!!{of which there are...1 3/4 of}) to know how much i loves her...and i wish that i could have a good 5 minutes with that boyo who is really do suck... *and all woman are bitches, but we'll talk about hana'li's lack of plausible mindset later, jk* i mean, its not just for my beautiful claire, but for all my buds...if ya mess with my friends/babies/ loved ones..i'm gonna come after pen, or sword, your ass is claire...cheer up m' is a pain....and usually a waste of time..hanging with friends rocks so much desperate heartlorn needs to fill...just piling with ppl who actually like you for you {gasp, horror, not that} *once agian with my'd think this was my blog or something* and i hope i can get this DVD, which i know you are looking forward to, off very soon....the great and glorious Val has a way of soothing fractured, bruised, and otherwise squashed hearts
much love beautiful

Monday, March 21, 2005


yay for SPRING!!!!!!!!
means strappy sandals, the breeze in one's hair, picnics and hikes with honeys * though he doesn't know it yet, mwhahaha*!! and bunny rabbits, and baby animals and all my flowers coming up, and green things! YAY!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

bathing i finally came up with a new years resolution "ok ok, 3 months late, so technically not a NewYears resolution, but i didn't know what else to call it*
i will indulge in at least one bath a expections...its very soothing, very lovely and makes me feel very young and sleepy...
*sigh* small things's the small things....

Saturday, March 19, 2005


oh yeah...having low blood pressure should get one off from giving blood entirely...gak... woozy-ness and dizzy-ness are not to be triffled with....gak, again

but i have a funny for ya'll! this is me explaining my "noises" to a friend, whose name i'm bleeping, as ppl are rather sensative about such things:

jadedgabrielle: *pounce!*
jadedgabrielle: hi hi
"bleep": hello stranger
jadedgabrielle: *sanrk*
jadedgabrielle: sup?
bleep: what the fusk is sanrk?
bleep: fuck*
jadedgabrielle: opps
jadedgabrielle: sorry
jadedgabrielle: it was supposed to be "snark"
jadedgabrielle: beg pardon
bleep: what the fuck is snark?
jadedgabrielle: sheesh
jadedgabrielle: you don;t know what a sanrk is?
jadedgabrielle: *snark
bleep: hmm
bleep: no
jadedgabrielle: hermm
jadedgabrielle: its a silly sound
bleep: seems to be so
jadedgabrielle: do you know what a merp is?
bleep: what the fuck is a merp?
jadedgabrielle: its actually a legitimate noise
bleep: doesn't sound like it
jadedgabrielle: cats make it when you feed them
bleep: then why do you make it?
jadedgabrielle: *sigh*
jadedgabrielle: its a silly sound
jadedgabrielle: me and sar make silly sounds friends at work do it too
jadedgabrielle: you've never heard the ferret routine?
"bleep": yeah...
(other convo bits, not as amusing)

but yeah...we're odd ;-)


life, liberty and the pursuit of...MINT OREOS!!!
oh, and btw...can anyone out there teach me how to fix a Nissan hatchback-thingy and how not to say the wrong things and hurt people i love?


men are so irritating....see, i finally have a little bit of time to spend with my boyfriend today, and instead of getting to, he springs on me that he is going to be out of town....grrr..much as i adore surprises *the good kind* i would really like to know stuff..ya know..BEFORE the day of...ah well...he didn't know, so its nothing i should be mad about *and i'm not* just a little frustrated cuz we get so little time together as it is....and this was one time i had a few hours to spare..and to tell the truth, if i had told him, i would have been "surprising" him too.....heh...ain't dating fun?
and he is teaching me how to drive a manual car! whee! i "drove" *in the loosest sense of the word* the car 3 times around the mall parking lot *making many ppl irritated at me making the car go all stall-y* and than he made me drive back home...eeek! we managed to get home without DIEING, but it was a stressful thing..but it felt awesome when i pulled into the parking lot and shut the car off! i still have sooooo much to learn and i need a lot more practice time!! his poor car...he just got it fixed too...ah well...

and this fact has agian become known to is not wise to fall asleep in one's contacts....the tend to MELD to the eye, which makes peeling them off at 4 in the morning not very pleasent AT ALL.....yicky...

and surprisingly, i gave blood for the second time yesterday! i got a neat purple bandage, and they fed me pizza afterwards and everything! so even though i sat there for HOURS (literally, i checked in at 12:40 and didn't get done until 3:05) and had to get my finger pricked (which hurt more than the big pointy sucker-needle-thingy they put in my arm to get the blood out) and they almost had to stab me all over agian towards the end of my pint, cuz they thought i was clotting *note: low blood pressure + a very laid back person, who doesn't bleed easily* but i triumphed! and besides the nurse who literally RIPPED the needle out at the end, so it "didn't hurt as much" *still hurt like a thwarted m-fer* i had a nice time, and everyone was very nice to us....heehee...guess they figure if we're gonna go through sitting in a gym that smells like a dairy parlor from all the iodine and is fridgidly cold, and we have to answer mean personal questions, like "have you had sex with a man, whose had sex with a man, after 1977???!!!" (laughed my butt off at that absurd one, and the nurse thought i was insane) it was still worth getting out of class for!
and OPEN MIC ROCKED!!!! yay to all my lovelies who played..i enjoyed it sooo much!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

yo yo yo

so....snow days rock! watching Princess Bride and dozing on the couch with your honey all rock too!

and...just wondering, but what do ya'll really think of me becoming involved with military, as i want to?
leave me comments!!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

for the BF

here we go!
i actually like country music, yes i do, but don't tell anyone...i'm just kind of selective as to who i will listen to...

My Baby Loves Me Lyrics


Oh gods...why did he have to die? he was so beautiful...such a talented character...they could have developed him more, he deserved more than just an episode and a death like that...Gren was so lovely to watch...why are animators so cruel?
i cried and cried and cried, when he died last was truely painful...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

even though its windy.....

(the art lund version of this is my personal favorite...whenever i can get my CD back from my BF, jk)

Blue skies, smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see
Blue birds singin' a song
Nothin' but blue birds all day long!

Never saw the sun shinin' so bright
Never saw things goin' so right
Noticin' the days are hurryin' by
When you're in love, my, my how they fly!

Blue days, all of them gone
Nothin' but blue skies from now on!

Never saw the sun shinin' so bright
Never say things goin' so right
Noticin' the days hurryin' by
When you're in love, my, my how they fly!

Blue days, all of them gone
Nothin' but blue skies from now on!


yay for lunches with mums at chinese restruants! yay for buying birthday pressies for silly sallys! yay for getting some hours at work so i can pay for stuff! yay for sunshine, having my car back, and singing to the radio! yay for only a week until spring break! yay for not having to get up until 11 o'clock on a saturday! yay for having a BF who loves me, and missed me as much as i missed him! YAY!!

p.s. yay for the jon coming to visit soon! *crosses fingers!!*

story lines!

Pitter patter of small feet, tender pads pause, tense, wait expectantly, race on agian.
Touch softy the leaves, the moss, the tendar shoots of grass, the small fruit of the trees over-head and under-wing.
Trickling water, small lapings, small thirsts, small fears.
Than move on.

She had had the dream before. It was always the same. She was free, but afraid. Under a serene sky but threatened. The older captains had warned of dreams that came with piracy, but she had only half believed. Then, right after her third year living in the gray area of the law, she started having prophetic nightmares. Scientifically, they could be explained away as stress and sub-conscience ramblings, but the truth of them still remained. She never knew how they would come true, but they always did.
The com intoned its silvery peals and popped her mind back to reality. Reaching for the acceptance tag, she shrugged on a tunic and keyed up a strong tea from the small galley beside her bedroom. With a tiny meow of annoyance, her gray kitten came stalking into her bedroom from the galley and hopped on her work station. Eyeing her with cat-like distaste, the puffball of a kitten shot her a look and began to wash between it's kitty toes as if she didn't matter one whit.
"Always a cat to show me my place." She mummered in amusement, and got down to another days work being a pirate.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


ok, scratch the confidence-in-my-talent's a bunch of bullshit...gods, this weekend sucked...and after all that worry, that practice, that anticipation, that TRIP TO THOMASVILLE...i still suck at music...i finished DEAD LAST...not a nice 4th like last year, but dead fucking last...i think this qualifies as one of those signs...ya know...that i really shouldn't be doing this? or i didn't want it enough? or that despite all the practice, i still didn't push my self hard enough? i know i could have given it more...i KNOW i'm better than how come i can never back it up? how come, when it comes right down to it, i always fail? people humor me, because i love music so much...but in truth, they must be fooling either me or what if i got into ASU? i know i gave a shitty preformance this weekend, and i know dr.gora must have reservations about taking me on...i'm not that spectacular...i can't play worth a damn... and apprently my pride and joy, my bari, is a piece of junk...this comment coming from someone i trust to help me achieve some goals at least..but i guess i'm not good enough...i hope that this isn't a warning of things to come...i would hate to go through all this trouble, and pain just to find out that college is just as awful as now....what if i can't hock it? what if i really can't play worth a damn? don't i owe it to my self and the people around me to stop while i can, without ruining this thing i love? and since i signed up for a music/ composition major, i have to send in some orginal work...i thought that's what they were supposed to be teaching me to do! my personal compositions total, maybe...3...and they want 3-4...which means, no sleep...too much to do..and i really didn't try hard enough this weekend...i mean..i copped out...i'm sure i could have pushed myself harder...instead "i'm exhausted! i feel bad!"... but guess what?? that excuse doesn't work in the real world...i should have tried harder...practiced more, or pushed myself harder, or SOMETHING!!!! i have got to do better...i can't suck this badly next's not fair to the ppl who want me to's not fair to myself, to not push myself harder...i don't care if i hurt least i won't be known as the one who gave up, b/c of a shitty audition she should have beasted

Thursday, March 03, 2005

notebook paper

came across this list in my notebook....not quite sure when i wrote it..but its cute!

today rocks!
reasons why:

~lunch in park with Tony
~ sunny, lovely weather *must have been a whiiiile ago then*
~wonderful songs on the radio
~possiblity of lesson/listening/encouraging session with the god'ess Laura
~day after payday!
~coca-cola w/ Lime and diet cherry-vanilla dr. pepper (boy, sar and i sure do have odd tastes)
~ lunch tomorrow with BF
~ hump day! middle of the week!
~anticipating district this weekend *ok, must have been last wednesday when i wrote this*
~studiously ignoring the State-UNC game (yay oblivion! NCSU still rocks, screw you all!)
~confidance in my talent
~ just a wonderful good mood!


1. if you lay a cat on its back and rub its tummy, it will go to sleep...but in doing so it will stare at you reproachfully, probably thinking "curses, foiled agian!"to itself

2. a "Sooner" is an actual breed of refers to the statement "sooner this than that"

3. what do you call an armadillo? 'possum on a half-shell!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


this is for my boyfriend:

no one can say what i want to say like james taylor...i love you....and it hurts me when you are down...i get that way too..but lately its happened less and less...and its all your fault :-)

i'll even sing this song for ya, if ya want...*kisses*
(if, of course, you are brave and can listen to me sing)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


being inspired by inspiration is a tricky business...
like going to the Sistine Chapel and seeing Da Vinci's masterpieces and then going home, getting brush and paints and attempting to prehaps recapture the beauty and majesty you saw in viewing the dome with your own untutored brushstrokes...
or listening to john coltrane..hearing the flow and rhythm, the beauty and sound, and trying to play like that....with that special humor, that exquisite tone...
you can create can take your life and try to be Da Vinci, or Coltrane, or Lennon, or can try to be like them, but in the end, what you are producing is your art...otherwise..what is the point?