Saturday, March 12, 2005

story lines!

Pitter patter of small feet, tender pads pause, tense, wait expectantly, race on agian.
Touch softy the leaves, the moss, the tendar shoots of grass, the small fruit of the trees over-head and under-wing.
Trickling water, small lapings, small thirsts, small fears.
Than move on.

She had had the dream before. It was always the same. She was free, but afraid. Under a serene sky but threatened. The older captains had warned of dreams that came with piracy, but she had only half believed. Then, right after her third year living in the gray area of the law, she started having prophetic nightmares. Scientifically, they could be explained away as stress and sub-conscience ramblings, but the truth of them still remained. She never knew how they would come true, but they always did.
The com intoned its silvery peals and popped her mind back to reality. Reaching for the acceptance tag, she shrugged on a tunic and keyed up a strong tea from the small galley beside her bedroom. With a tiny meow of annoyance, her gray kitten came stalking into her bedroom from the galley and hopped on her work station. Eyeing her with cat-like distaste, the puffball of a kitten shot her a look and began to wash between it's kitty toes as if she didn't matter one whit.
"Always a cat to show me my place." She mummered in amusement, and got down to another days work being a pirate.


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