Saturday, March 26, 2005

life update

ok, so life update!

* my audition for ASU's school of music turned up wonderful, and i have been accepted into the saxophone studio this coming fall (WHEEEE!!!!!!!!!!)
*since i signed up to be a music/composition major.....i have to submit compositions and meet with the guy in charge of those ppl..eek(i'm still trying to finish a third one to turn in!! and any inspriation would be welcome, jk)
*i am now ON SPRING BREAK!!! HELL YES! 9 days of nothing but the occational shift at work...*sigh*...not quite heaven..but close :)
*State lost last night...and i don't want to hear about it
*still hunting for scholarship money
*traveling down to raliegh the 2nd of April to audition for the NC national guard band...EKKKKK!!!! *wheeze....hope it goes well...really really really hope it goes well*
*Did i mention it was SPRING????!!!!!!!


Blogger hana'li said...

ohhhhhh...sweet! except this year, i'll actually wear my bathing suit w/ out so much self-councious arm-crossings, and we'll find more hot men who can fix hurts, like when silly sarah sliced her finger on a coke bottle...heh...hermmm..wonder where micheal will be this summer.... ;)

March 28, 2005 at 6:02 AM  

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