Saturday, March 19, 2005


men are so irritating....see, i finally have a little bit of time to spend with my boyfriend today, and instead of getting to, he springs on me that he is going to be out of town....grrr..much as i adore surprises *the good kind* i would really like to know stuff..ya know..BEFORE the day of...ah well...he didn't know, so its nothing i should be mad about *and i'm not* just a little frustrated cuz we get so little time together as it is....and this was one time i had a few hours to spare..and to tell the truth, if i had told him, i would have been "surprising" him too.....heh...ain't dating fun?
and he is teaching me how to drive a manual car! whee! i "drove" *in the loosest sense of the word* the car 3 times around the mall parking lot *making many ppl irritated at me making the car go all stall-y* and than he made me drive back home...eeek! we managed to get home without DIEING, but it was a stressful thing..but it felt awesome when i pulled into the parking lot and shut the car off! i still have sooooo much to learn and i need a lot more practice time!! his poor car...he just got it fixed too...ah well...

and this fact has agian become known to is not wise to fall asleep in one's contacts....the tend to MELD to the eye, which makes peeling them off at 4 in the morning not very pleasent AT ALL.....yicky...

and surprisingly, i gave blood for the second time yesterday! i got a neat purple bandage, and they fed me pizza afterwards and everything! so even though i sat there for HOURS (literally, i checked in at 12:40 and didn't get done until 3:05) and had to get my finger pricked (which hurt more than the big pointy sucker-needle-thingy they put in my arm to get the blood out) and they almost had to stab me all over agian towards the end of my pint, cuz they thought i was clotting *note: low blood pressure + a very laid back person, who doesn't bleed easily* but i triumphed! and besides the nurse who literally RIPPED the needle out at the end, so it "didn't hurt as much" *still hurt like a thwarted m-fer* i had a nice time, and everyone was very nice to us....heehee...guess they figure if we're gonna go through sitting in a gym that smells like a dairy parlor from all the iodine and is fridgidly cold, and we have to answer mean personal questions, like "have you had sex with a man, whose had sex with a man, after 1977???!!!" (laughed my butt off at that absurd one, and the nurse thought i was insane) it was still worth getting out of class for!
and OPEN MIC ROCKED!!!! yay to all my lovelies who played..i enjoyed it sooo much!


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