Saturday, March 19, 2005


oh yeah...having low blood pressure should get one off from giving blood entirely...gak... woozy-ness and dizzy-ness are not to be triffled with....gak, again

but i have a funny for ya'll! this is me explaining my "noises" to a friend, whose name i'm bleeping, as ppl are rather sensative about such things:

jadedgabrielle: *pounce!*
jadedgabrielle: hi hi
"bleep": hello stranger
jadedgabrielle: *sanrk*
jadedgabrielle: sup?
bleep: what the fusk is sanrk?
bleep: fuck*
jadedgabrielle: opps
jadedgabrielle: sorry
jadedgabrielle: it was supposed to be "snark"
jadedgabrielle: beg pardon
bleep: what the fuck is snark?
jadedgabrielle: sheesh
jadedgabrielle: you don;t know what a sanrk is?
jadedgabrielle: *snark
bleep: hmm
bleep: no
jadedgabrielle: hermm
jadedgabrielle: its a silly sound
bleep: seems to be so
jadedgabrielle: do you know what a merp is?
bleep: what the fuck is a merp?
jadedgabrielle: its actually a legitimate noise
bleep: doesn't sound like it
jadedgabrielle: cats make it when you feed them
bleep: then why do you make it?
jadedgabrielle: *sigh*
jadedgabrielle: its a silly sound
jadedgabrielle: me and sar make silly sounds friends at work do it too
jadedgabrielle: you've never heard the ferret routine?
"bleep": yeah...
(other convo bits, not as amusing)

but yeah...we're odd ;-)


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