Sunday, January 30, 2005


i found this quote..and it touched is so right to me...

"There is a phrase in zen Buddhism, muichi-motsu. "Hold nothing. If you meet Buddha, kill him. If you meet the Patriarchs, kill them."
Free of all, bound by live your life simply as it is."
~ Genjyo Sanzo

make any more sense my lovelies?


Blogger silver said...

yeah baby!
that is one of my favorite ones too, i also like the mildly pornographic poses she does... very nice *growls and licks lips* i do like effeminate men... so pretty... well, prehaps just skinny guys with long hair, long fingers, big noses and a mild obsession with ME hahahaha *cackles wildly*

February 1, 2005 at 3:12 PM  

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