Monday, January 24, 2005

by a future chess piece

ok, what is with the fucking elevator????????
so, my former lesson teacher calls me about possibly getting back togather to have lessons again (i hope we do!! she rocks!!), and i'm all like YAY!!!! cuz she's awesome, she's anouther bari sax, and she is accredited to kicking my butt into gear last year, making me practice like a motherfucker, and getting my ass motivated for i was bouncing all over the place, just excited all over the place with getting lessons agian from someone who will play bari with me, goddammit! *no offense to my preasent teacher, he rules, really he does, he knows his stuff, he is STELLAR, but he's no bari sax player*
and then the clincher....she wants not only to teach me agian b/c she loves me, but also b/c she can't stand the thought of me taking lessons from my preasent teacher, * apprently he "stole me away from her"....eeeek!!!*.....apprently over some elevator fiasco, that i only heard snippets about, and tried despretely to ignore, as it was NONE OF MY BUSINESS, but here it is! apprently my teacher has had very strong opinions made about i am i gonna be a PAWN???!!! or am i just making too much of this? cuz to me this looks like someone attempting to score a point up on someone they feel is an ass...but still...i can't wait to see if i can get lessons with laura agian....she's really awesome....i'll just have to sit there and bite my tongue....cuz i love both my teachers...i just kinda wish they didn't have such strong OPINIONS! ack!!!!!
yup.....i'm reading toooooooooo much into this.....oh yeah....


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