Friday, January 21, 2005

ok ok....brain teasers!!! *curtesy of psychology class, 1-A*
1. Water lillies double in area every day. At the beginning of the summer, there is only one lilly in the pond. On the 60th day the pond is completely covered. On what day is it half covered?

2. Using 6 equal length sticks, construct 4 equalateral triangles with each side equal to one stick

3. You arrive at a fork in the road. One fork leads to paradise, the other to hell. 2 men stand at the fork who know which road leads to paradise, but one man always lies and the opther always tells the truth. Not knowing which man is which, waht one question can you ask either man to determine your way?

4. If you have brown and black socks in your drawer, mixed in a ratio of 4 to 5. How many will you have to pull out in order to be sure of having a pair of the same color?

5. A man has 4 chains, each 3 links long. He wants to join the 4 chains into a single closed chain. Having a link openned cost 2 cents...having it closed costs 3 cents. the man had the chains joined into a closed chain ( like a necklace) for 15 cents. how did he do this? *drawing apicture of this might help you*

6. The captain of a cargo vessel was concerned that the water level in teh canal lock was too low for his heavily loaded vessel. He was not sure what to do when the lock commandant, who spoke a language he did not understand, tried to offer a solution. A young deckhabd finally came up to suggest a solution: toss the 2 extremely heavy but worthless lead cylinders overboard. Should the captain follow the suggestion? If he does will the water in the lock rise, remain the same, or fall? *i had the most trouble with this one!*

anyway, so have fun with these honeys! and i did make jazz band, but 2nd chair, so i shall justify my wounded pride by sticking with District band, and my ASU audition....anyway


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