Saturday, January 29, 2005

random, agian

wayhay! SNOW! and it's getting rather deep over silly goatlings are acting rather oddly inebriated...i think snow makes them silly...and there is no way i can go into work today..its supposed to sleet on top of all this annoying white power ;) so there is no chance of me getting to town..i might ride in with mum later this week...but for now, i'm homebound....which means i will end up cleaning poor closet..its gonna get scrubbed..i still have about 10 boxes i haven't yet sorted snice we moved last year...gotta get ready for college!!
speaking of college i just realized something...i have only applied to ONE college, ASU..that means if i don't make this audition, i am did i let this happen? its not hubris, it was just stupidity i think....i should have at least applied to UNCG...i mean, i have just as good of a chance of getting in there as ASU, i just despise Greensboro...i escaped, and i don't want to go back!!!! ahhh!!! so...i think i shall apply may be late, but at least i have a back up for my ASU audition...i have already been accepted to ASU, but i still have to make my audition for the school of music....hermmmm...yeah...i am gonna apply at UNCG!! right a matter of fact...sheesh, i can't believe i let this happen...ack!


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