Wednesday, January 26, 2005

babbling.....agian!! yay!

Sorry ‘bout the last entry loves, but I was a might peeved...anyway, it has passed, and I can now go back to writing you flowery sentiments, expletive free. *curtsies*
This shall be one of those postings where I talk about what I like in music and books…so get your espressos ready, here we go…
To start off with you must know that this summer I attended my first ever Grandfather Mountain Highland Games…and they were marvelous…I have read about them, and wanted to attend the Games, since even before I moved off the Christmas tree farm (nope, not the turnip truck, the Christmas tree farm!). I went, and I saw lovely boyos in kilts (my, it wasn’t the weather that was making me flushed!), and I heard…Off Kilter...and Clann an Drumma…two bands whom I have come to adore...if you haven’t been exposed to traditional piping bands, or Celtic rock, you are missing out…seriously missing out!!! The Clann is a group of exceedingly good traditional drummers *and one very energetic piper* from Glasgow, Scotland. They wear all the traditional gear, even the lass, whose name is Jackie, if I correctly remember…they played for a packed hillside (if you can ever truly pack a hillside, jk), and emerged sweaty, glowing and showered with praise. *and yes, I got pictures with 2 of the sweaty, lovely guys! The accents!! ***SWOON*** Claire knows what I mean!!* and autographs from 3, including the “bonny lass” who towered above me (which, jokes aside, is usually hard to do) I sincerely hope they return to play at the big 50th anniversary of the GFM Games this year…I plan to actually get a kilt in my clan colors *Sinclair!!* though I’ll have to save a bit, they are notoriously expensive…our colors (blues with small threads of red) more than make up for the fact that our family crest has a gamecock on it…I guess that’s what we get for following William the Bastard from France, heh heh…*note: the gamecock is the national bird of France…I think anyway…*
And Off Kilter...those wacky, wacky Canadians….imagine your favorite stage band in kilts and with bagpipes….its wonderful...they talk constantly, play covers of the strangest songs (Metallica…on PIPES?) and then cover some of the more traditional stuff, but its all up-beat, with a new spin put on it…they have dusted off the old classics and made them all their own! And they have the corniest sense of humor…but it works for them so well *”like chicken-fired Celtic? With some Fava beans?”* (you’d have to hear the CD to get that one, just ask, and I’ll be happy to share). They also play one of my most favorite of songs…possible my MOST favorite…Fields of Athenry…its not fast, not slow...its just…beautiful…tis very hard to explain, but if anyone is curious, I’ll be more than happy to share…they lyrics are all old country, but combined with the rock and pipes, its wonderful…
And YAY! The Hitchhiker’s Guild to the Galaxy is now a MOVIE!!! Ok, ok, to all you devoted ones, yeah, I know there are already movies made of the books, but they are akin to the movies made before LOTRs about the Hobbit…this is the legit thing! And I am goin’ to the theaters to see it!!! Anyone who wants in on this, let me know, and we’ll hit the movies!!!
And I, of course am still infatuated with my manga…I am now up to vol.6 on Saiyuki, vol. 4 on RouKen, vol.2 on .hack, vol.1 on W Juliet…any suggestions for future reading, just let me know…
And InuYasha…man, that series is keeping my attention like little else…I can’t wait till I get to see the next installment!! My anime “dealer” better hurry up, I’m fair twitchy with anticipation!
And anyone who is bored and free this weekend, lemme know…the BF is out of town for a bit *ack!!! It makes me soooo twitchy when he’s gone!!! It’s horrible, I know, I never thought of myself as one of those kinds of ppl, gak!!* but if ya want, I can hang, providing its not when I’m at Jason’s party or at work *work still blows*..heh…ok this blog is a bit of a novel, so I’m gonna shut my face ;-)


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