Monday, November 15, 2004

way down low

ok, so the elation of of yesterday has quickly ben smothered by the pain of an immense headache, brought on by the worst monday in human history...everybody was gone on one field trip/string fest/drama production or anouther, not to mention that the band director was out for his mother agian, leaving yours truely to babysit 70+ band students...the day started ok, i got up on time, i drove to school , no breakfast, but thats usual fo rme, then i got to class (0B), bade naomi and sarah goodbye, and sent them off to their french field trip (which also took my "romantic interest" with it, and its ok to say this here, b/c he doesn't read my blog anyway, lets face it, i fell for a guy who really doesn't give a bat's behind for me), and got on with my day..psychology was a bore as usual (we're talking about drugs, whoopie, i know more then i ever want to know about them, thank you very much) and then off to jazz band..the class that once was my favorite class of the day (silly me, what was i thinking) has turned into the class i dread every day..and today was no better..being left in charge usually doesn't bother me, but today i had a "cut-up" ..the kid COULD NOT SHUT UP for 5 seconds, back-talked, had an attitude and general caused a stressful working environ....not to mention i had to talk our slackest musicians through every phrase, every measure, EVERY NOTE of Jingle-Bell Rock..which is seriously the most recognizable piece we play for the cut-up kid made my life ya know what? i got tired, i warned him, and then i wrote him up...he's been doing this crap all year, and i'm FED UP...but i hate doing things like that...i mean, this is band, by this point if you didn't like it, you've gotten out of it, you don't spend the entire class period being an ass, and keeping you bandmates from learning...i don't undersatnd ppl sometimes, i really don't...and then my piano player, who is an awesome friend, and the guy i like weren't there...they were off having a nicer time then me, i'm totally sure....and i could have done with being subjected to said guy's humor today...he makes me smile, he really does...
ok, then i had PE which actually was my favorite class today..i got to ROCK CLIMB!! yay! something the hannah is good at!! i got up and down twice, no prob, in various difficult wall-bits, and then tried the doozzy....this is a hard-ass wall..i got all the way to the top, minus about 6 feet and then slipped..but its ok, the guy belaying me was really sweet and said i was a good climber, apprently girls are better climbers than guys (awww... how nice) i go off to Gov't still feeling climber's "high," and then on to Stats, both of which were nice today... and then on to anouther episode of hell, erm, i mean marching band..the sub was AWFUL..the woman could not conduct, i had to lend her my metronome, count off and go over the pieces for her, and then still ended up conducting Greensleeves....i swear, its no wonder my intestines were revolting (damn genetic conditions!) and then brass sectionals, which i cut in half and sent everybody home now i'm here....nursing a headache, and about to eat supper..then i shall go watch pointless sitcoms that make me smile, at least for a while....friday is my beacon of light right now....


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