Friday, November 05, 2004

"after midnight.."

well daaaaa' first night as a night shift cook was very boring..front line cashiers can be a bit nutty, but then so can "back-liners." all-in-all, though, not a horrible work expriance, even though the customers revolted when i tried to get tony to play NPR's friday night jazz selections...who cares what they think anyway? j/k...
lookin' forward now to open mic night at the great HS..i plan to preform this time (Clapton's Layla, or improv?? ahh..the choices, leave me a comment on you opinion lovelys), so i'm asking off from the 6th Circle of Hell known as Hardees...icky, greasy place, but the ppl are nice, if not normal in the slightest sense of the word...heh..normal...who needs it? but then sometimes its nice to get out of the "maddening" HS crowd and chat with "legal add-dults" i really love my babies at Watagua, but thats what they are, even the ones my depressing at times...yeeeeah..did i mention as a senior i tend to cry a lot more?? ah well, keeps my contacts lubricated... :)
yesss...i am feircely missing my friends to the east...'specially a certain moter-cycle riding youth minister, but i can deal..i plan to see you all very soon, if i can manage...and i really do love you guys even when i swear i don't :)
good luck on the SATS tomorrow all of my lovelys who are taking that horrid thing, i look forward to seeing you all at sar and i's b-day cook-out on sunday..remember, 1:30 t0 5, julian price park picnic area!
i am still crushing on a certian guy...some of you know who he is, some don't, but if he forgets to come on sunday i think i shall be very unhappy..for a long time in fact....i tend to doubt the ones i know love me, but why does this thing have to be so hard? he wants me to be happy, appreantly, but why doesn't he see that he can help do that? just b/c i'm not exotic doesn't mean i'm not intresting..*sigh* ever the hopeless, depressed, more then slightly disillusioned, romantic, eh?
anyway, i have to get back to brush my very long, very wet, extremely tangled hair...ick...


Blogger silver said...

of course you're awesome my beautiful...and since you're taking french class (indepents rock!) you'll soon be just as exotic as you can be :) if he doesn't want in..then piffle, screw him....erm..that was an extremely interpretively perversly laden sentence, don't you think? heh heh heh
luv ya!

November 7, 2004 at 6:45 AM  

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