Saturday, November 06, 2004

the morning after :)

ahh, so nice to be 18..legality and all that..anyway, the birthday came off rather nicely, i thought..i got flowers (LILLIES!!! i loves me some jay, tony and jim! thanks ya'll), sar and i got that new-fangled Star Wars super-cool DVD thingy (WOW!!!! PEEP YOU ARE MY HERO!!) from our lovely NY relation, and some strangely intriging little thing called a prayer box from the paternal grandparents...i'm not quite sure what the little things are for exactly, but i think i like it quite a lot...but then, ya'll know my weakness for small box-type jewelry ;) heh, note the "crack ring"...and of course, my favorite and most useful present; moo-lah from the relations... i don't know if its just b/c no one nows what to get 18 years olds ( i love saying that, 18!) anymore, but i really do appreciate the cash guys! :)
oh, and more love goes out to my string-inclined friends, who are at this moment "gettin' r done " at the ASU orchestra contest...woot! go strings, go strings! i expect to hear more good things from you beauties, walker says ya'll always do well, so have at 'em! i expect to see one more plaque in walkers office come monday from ya'll! yay!
and of course the concert thursday was absolutely wonderful guys, i really was happy about the surprise birthday march (heehee, i'm getting ya'll back for that one!) and i thought ya'll all did extremely well! there were some hitches, of course, but they say variety is the spice of life, and i'm not disputing it! i still almost had a heart attack when i was called to the office during 4A... sneaky way to get me out of the classroom to work on the surprise from wink, but worth it!
and i thought walker and wink made a superb jake and elwood blues..heh heh..thats blackmail material there! hahaha!


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