Sunday, November 14, 2004


ok, its finally time to reveal this side of the hannah personality...i'm a complete and totally sci-fi junkie! yes! its fact the reason i'm telling ya'll this is because i want you to go check out this really neat website,, and then go to the Stargate *the awesome-est show EVER* part of the site and read up on the hannah passion...due to football season, and work, i haven't had much of a chance to watch my 'gate (or my TNG for matter) but i still adore every last character and makes me makes me laugh..and it gives the girl-children of our house something to talk about! plus micheal shanks is yummy ;)
anyway, anouther recent passion that has sprung up (thank sar for this one!) is Manga..yeesssss my lovelys, the japanese "comic books," that are actually like comic novels...very good stuff, and with absolutely beautiful drawings! the story line may be hard to follow at first ( you have to read right to left, scene to scene) but its well worth it....its the next best thing to watching the actually anima, whch are also quite good, the one i've seen anyway, which is samuri champoo....i loved the character Jin...he looked a bit like geddy lee actually, which was kinda odd, but i got used to it...
but ok, so go to, and check out Manga *they have manga in walden books, imagine that!* and if you like the things you see on stargate, check out the original movie, which has james spader and kurt russel in it....its my mum's favorite of all the sargate-y things, and a good movie in its own right


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