Thursday, November 11, 2004

so, ever had one of those really odd dreams your absolutely sure means something vitally important, and then you forget them the moment you awake? its been one of those nights...either due to my previous blog, or the fact that i fell asleep in my contacts (agian, gotta stop that), or the fact that i was so excited about going to hickory today with friends, i couldn't sleep peacefully to save my life..dreams, dreams and more dreams! as always, none of them were particularly pleasent (they never are, dammit) but for a change some of them seemed to be centered around an old flame, and his compelling forgive me, but i usually NEVER have sexual dreams...i just don't... its usually nightmares or milder forms of such for me...if i can go a whole night without dreaming (or remembering my dreams) i feel ok in the morning..but still even now i sometimes am jostled awake by a horror of my mind...
overactive imagination you say? hem..i'll have to agree...
on a lighter note, my sister may seem batty to some of you who read her blogs, but i'll have to agree with the newest be among the be alone finally, absolutely, to swim in that cold, deep, velvety, pinpricked some it may sound that sounds like pure unadulterated, sublime bliss.


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