Wednesday, October 27, 2004

ok, cooled down a bit from the SAT rant, so i will now address the strange-ness of our town's halloween alternatives. i can understand how our christian community might be a bit apprehensive about holloween falling on a sunday, but i ask you what is the harm in allowing a bunch of little kids to dress up and go trick-or-treating? its not like boone has a large satanist following among the wee ones, or even among the not-so-wee ones, so why the shift of the "offical" halloween celebration to saturday? true, sunday is technically a "school night" to most parents, but halloween is a holiday, an ancient tradition that dates back to when jack-o-lanterns were still made out of turnips by superstitious why the huge fuss about halloween occuring on a sunday? if you've got any theorys, don't hesitate to post them under comments, i'd like to hear them.
Ok, on to more sane the concert occuring at ASU tonight, right now in fact... i'd like to say right now that i'm extremely proud of brent, anna, Z and any of my other friends that are playing tonight...i'm sorry i couldn't be there, but you guys rock! it is so cool to see "young folks" taking the go-ahead to do something so cool, and something that requires such talent. you guys are my heros...really, you are!
Oh, and anouther thing to you people, Horn in the West is looking for volunteers to scare some folks thursday, friday and ESPECIALLY saturday... i'm doing it, so is jason, more of ya'll need to come out and do this with us..its from, like, 7-12, and they provide make-up and'n it'll be fun!!


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