Saturday, November 13, 2004


ok this is joyous email..someone who is very dear to me has come back into my life! i thought i had lost her to college,to UNC, but no! after a year (much to long) i have finally got my KT back!! my flute-mama! my lovely KT-ness!!!!! yay! joy! rapture! i have missed you like the dickins my kt-ness, and i'm so sorry i let keeping in touch with you slip...i am a worm, i know... but your back!!! yes!!! we have so much to talk about! so much to catch up on! i'm a senior now! your a sophmore! what have you done? what have i done? how could i have let you miss out on my life! how could i miss out on yours??!! oh my darling, i have missed you so much, you have no idea! and i, like you have pictures from our last year togather..i take them out...i sigh..and i miss me some KT..but no more!!! ( i even have those niffty little "free KT outings" passes you gave sar and me for our birthday a couple years ago...they're in my wallet, seriously!) yes! the KT is BACK!!!! and she is loved!


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