Monday, November 15, 2004

here, now

There is a bubble inside of me, gradually swelling with joy, excitement, love and hope as the end of the week enexorably draws of my beloved will soon be here to visit and i can hardly sit still (*bounce, bounce* claire!)
This member of my "brute squad" of beautiful ones always makes me smile, no matter what... and he has never dropped me, either in dancing or in life ( metephors are niffty, eh?) so as you can imagine, i miss him like a pain in my heart whenever he is gone ("ain't no sunshine.."), and his visits never fail to send me into transports of "sunny," blissful joy.
Anyway, this bubble is lodged 'neath my breastbone, filling me up, making me radiant and light of foot, with (i'm sure) a benevolent smile upon my face for everyone. I am truely happy, the darkness has been expunged, for now, from my psyche...not only is my KT back in my life, but my "favorite guy" will soon be here to visit..its such a nice, wonderful, uplifting day, dontcha think?
So in the style of Walt Whitman and his "barbaric yawp," i shall now stand defiant and proclaim to the thunderous heavens; "henceforth Depression be banished, for!


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