Sunday, October 24, 2004

and folks, the SAT sucks!

Well now, here we go, you pay almost $30 to sacrifise your saturday (and the weeks leading up to it if you're studious) to go take a test that counts for absolutly jack-shit in the real world...ok so you made a 1300 in high school, big whoop-de-doo, you still flipping hamburgers in real life... you might be able to tell your kids about it one day, but still, what did it accomplish??? NOTHING! Colleges should come up with a better way to judge academic talent! yeah, yeah, i know that's what all the essays and that kind of bullshit are for, but really folks, anybody can fake those suckers given a valid internet, what does the score do for YOU? Most of us have been tested so much by this point in our schoolastic careers that we feel like chunking the whole system out the window. You might be in every goddamn Advanced Placement class under the goddamn sun, but does that count at first glance? Nooooo...making a 1400 or 1500 on the fucking SAT does. You know what test I support? the goddamn ASVAB. Thats right all you fucking hippies, the goddamn ASVAB. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. it tells what you're suited for, and what you need to improve. not some damn generic testing format that wouldn't even be clear to a damn physic. Now this might be getting a bit Brave New World-ish for some of you, but think about it... i know there are others out there who have been screwed over by the SAT and were part of the intellectual elite...not that i'm saying i am, but i know for damn sure, i'm better than a goddamn 1160.


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