Friday, April 29, 2005

heh funny

Turner and Hootch
excellent movie, features Tom Hanks as a young, skinny detective in a small town who ends up with a murder victim's HUGE dog..heehee
quotes? sure!
"no! stay out there! i hope it rains! no! i hope it hails! God, send hail...send hail the size of cantalopes....."

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

yo yo yo

GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! what an awesome movie....i love robin williams..he goes high speed ALL THE TIME..its AWESOME!

yay for seeing josh! I MISS YOU!!!!! SO MUCH!!

yay for getting achy muscles massaged by my wonderful wonderful BF!!

boo for not being able to do a single sit-up..i had the little one hold my ankles for me, i got ready, tried...failllllllleeeeeddddddd misrebly..not sure why...i stomach went "SCREAM!!!" and refused to flex..i hope i haven't damaged myself...eppp....maybe i need to stop being a pansy and try harder..heh..probably....
and the weather has decided to become cold..EWWWWW...i should be wearing skanky shorts and billowing sundresses right now!!! complete with flipflops and ponytails.....whoever ordered this weather should be flailed......

Monday, April 25, 2005

My First Drill...awwwwwwww

ok, here's my weekend!
i wake up at frikkin' 5 in the am, drive to boone get on a bus with one VERY sleepy unit and drive to ashville. get out, put my stuff in my room, mess about *the place we drilled is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, its called the castle and is an old academy* and than get ready for a PT test i only knew about the day before..*eeek!!*
it proceeds to rain
it proceeds to be cold
i pass my push ups *whee! 19 of them!!*
i fail my sit ups to the tune of 17 out of 52
i fail my 2 mile to the tune of20:(something) minutes which is over the 18:30 minutes chicks are allotted
we march back, soaking wet, from the track where we were, singing the whole way *it helps one to breath, it really does*
glorious 4 minute shower with HOT water
get dressed, learn how to french my hair so i can bun it right and it look neat *my roommate was my "mama bird" during this weekend, she was so nice, a teaching fellow at ASU*
go downstairs, and learn a BUNCH of stuff everyone else has had a month to prepare for...something called Skills for Stripes, or some such, which gives you a chance to get promoted before bootcamp, not that it'll do me any good, as i can't get promoted any more, already being an E-4, but i had fun doing it....i learn better under pressure...
so i pass all my stuff....Drill and Ceromony *THANK YOU MARCHING BAND!!!!*/Land Navigation/ First Aid/ Rank (recognition type thing..knowing whose who by their patch thingys)/ what LDRSHIP and APPLE-MD stand for/General Orders/Military Time/ Phonic Alphabet (got to write a sentance in the alphabet so that it can be sent with out ppl knowing what your saying unless they know the stuff)
i made friends, got friendly ribbing from my sgts and platoon mates(and gave it least to my platoon mates, i'm not stupid enough to laugh at a sgt) got my butt kicked, and am now painfully was worth it....this weekend has me so pumped..i love this thing i'm doing..i am motivated may hurt, but think of what comes with the hurt...knowlage...i think i have found my rocks hardcore

next drill weekend: rapeling and paintball "wars"(neat stuff, like teaming up and "clearing rooms" which i think means shooting everybody not on your team...hermmmm..sounds like FUN!)
heehee! its gonna be frikkin' awesome....i'll be without my roommate, as she has some teaching fellow thing to do, and i'll miss her, but i got other ppl to hang with, if they havent' shipped already... plus she ships within 2 days of me to BCT at the same place, Fort Jackson, SC....hopefully i'll see her there...she was awesome, and so nice to a newbie like me.
and i am SURE things won't be this nice at BCT, but....hey, i know what to look forward to when i get out! and dammit....i will make it through! GRR!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

random giggles

Lethal Weapon 3 quotes (quite an awesome movie):


"i only smoke to distract me from my dogbiscuit habit"

"whose a grumpy bastard? whoooose a grumpy bastard??"

Saturday, April 16, 2005


i think i have just seen, possibly, the cutest thing i have ever seen..well..seen in a good long while....its small...and cute..and...and...brown...and it's josh's new puppy...i might just fall over of a sugar attack


i'm openning myself up for some really nasty postings from a certian person i love on this coming comment, but:
why are ppl so offended when they give you advice and you chose not to follow it? i mean, even if there are reasons, like it not being the best thing for your particular situation? its not rational, and its jsut not fair to the advice-reciever....*sighs in frustration*
i'm not stupid, so why do ppl not trust me to make my own desisions, and still say they love me?

Monday, April 11, 2005


i hate runing i hate running i hate running I HATE RUNNING!!!! and my boyfriend is evil and!
and i think i have a bruise on my lip, of all places....hermph...

Saturday, April 09, 2005


here's the NG info!

last saturday *well, the last saturday of my spring break* i traveled down to raliegh with my mum, and my bari sax, a bit anxious, but excited, to audition for the NC national guard band.
the maternal unit and i get to the armory at about 11 in the morning *having quite an interesting side adventure at the Hardwood Supply Store, getting some kind of varnish for my dad, and laughing hysterically at interupting their male-oriented atmosphere* we meet the conductor, and a nice older man named Hazel *works at NCSU, mum and him talked agriculture, they know the same ppl* i got to eat lunch with the band *the was not particular good to put it bluntly, but i wasn't hungry anyway* and then as they split off til lunch ended, i went to go get my sax out of the car, and warm up, etc.
THEN the audition.....i get in there, play a few notes to get a feel for the conductor's office, and begin to play my solo..get about 8 bars into it, my sax refuses to play a note..i try it agian *YES I WENT BACK FOR IT DAMMIT!!!* it doesn't play it....i stop, play a quick won't play...i get a tad upset..tell the guy its not playing..he goes and gets the bari sax that the band uses, and lets me use it to finish my audition...the sax is unfamiliar, so i am not as nice with my solo as i would have liked to be, but i get through it fairly decently, and than onto the scales... i play what he asks me to, only fumbling, i think once, and than he asks me for a minor and another one, forget which odd one it was, but i, not having practiced them to any extent, ask him what he means *we had a bit of a misunderstanding as to whether i should play the concert or MY pitch of scale* he describes the scale to me, i play the minor one, no sweat, he explains the other one to me, i get through it after, like, the 2nd time, and then we go to sight reading...and oh, i now remember: i despise playing just my part in boring...and i have issues with playing them without the rest of the tallys up my score while i chat with mum and the Hazel guy...i score a 2.71! which my BF says is rather good so i'm happy!! so i made the audition!
then i go sit in with the band, and get embarrased by all the hoots *fresh meat syndrome, shudder* and make friends with the other bari sax, and to some extent with the alto clarinet beside me...the bari sax was a funny older guy named Mason, and we shared saxophone talk and got to know one another....he's a former tenor sax player, and he was really nice...the whole unit was, in fact, i really liked them! i think its what made me even firmer in my resolve to join the NG, which was firm to start with!
i go at noon next wednesday to Knoxville TN, to do my MEPS and enlist! YAY! my first guard weekend will be the 23rd of april, i think....if everything goes through *hopes*
i spend this summer in BCT *also known as bootcamp, or the training ground for Hell, depending on who you talk to*, if everything works out, and than a year training up here in Boone/Asheville, and than 4 weeks at the School of Music next summer, and than i get to play with the unit!! SWEET!! WOOT!!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


the DMV BF was right...its like, 18 dollars to get your lisence to read "under 21" instead of "under 18" AND they were rude to me...AND there was a screaming baby in the waiting area...i hate babies....arrrggghhhh
AND THEY MOVED THE FRIKKIN" OFFICE!!!!!!!! so by the time i got to the DVM i was already pissed...and i gave up and got McDonalds instaed of being healthy, b/c i was about to starve....gah....
oh, yeah...i kinda need to post about my NG weekend sometime...hermmm...i've been nagged about it....might have to before someone special EXPLODES...heehee....

Monday, April 04, 2005

yay me!

*watch this space for more details ;)*

Sunday, April 03, 2005


There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
Douglas Adams

Saturday, April 02, 2005

"saturday/ in the park...."

ok, so yeah....National Guard audition today.....epppppppppppppp......scariness......much love would be nice if it were sent my way from you beautiful ones....*eeeppppp*
and i finally get to meet my BF's parents (one set anyway) and a passel of his friends.....some of which i've at least spoken to...but not much with the getting up at 5 in the morning ....does not make the hana'li happy.....(speaking of which, i need to find a way to put up this WONDERFUL, LOVELY, STUPENDIOUS drawing silver made for me...its GORGEOUS!!!!) sooooo yeah...the social inept will meet her BF's close ones....whee for being southern! heehee...actaully the one's i've spoken to sound like wonderful fun!

and i hope shields had a truely awesome date last night....and remember dear..if you can't find your shirt...that's a good thing ;)