Wednesday, April 27, 2005

yo yo yo

GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! what an awesome movie....i love robin williams..he goes high speed ALL THE TIME..its AWESOME!

yay for seeing josh! I MISS YOU!!!!! SO MUCH!!

yay for getting achy muscles massaged by my wonderful wonderful BF!!

boo for not being able to do a single sit-up..i had the little one hold my ankles for me, i got ready, tried...failllllllleeeeeddddddd misrebly..not sure why...i stomach went "SCREAM!!!" and refused to flex..i hope i haven't damaged myself...eppp....maybe i need to stop being a pansy and try harder..heh..probably....
and the weather has decided to become cold..EWWWWW...i should be wearing skanky shorts and billowing sundresses right now!!! complete with flipflops and ponytails.....whoever ordered this weather should be flailed......


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