Monday, April 25, 2005

My First Drill...awwwwwwww

ok, here's my weekend!
i wake up at frikkin' 5 in the am, drive to boone get on a bus with one VERY sleepy unit and drive to ashville. get out, put my stuff in my room, mess about *the place we drilled is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, its called the castle and is an old academy* and than get ready for a PT test i only knew about the day before..*eeek!!*
it proceeds to rain
it proceeds to be cold
i pass my push ups *whee! 19 of them!!*
i fail my sit ups to the tune of 17 out of 52
i fail my 2 mile to the tune of20:(something) minutes which is over the 18:30 minutes chicks are allotted
we march back, soaking wet, from the track where we were, singing the whole way *it helps one to breath, it really does*
glorious 4 minute shower with HOT water
get dressed, learn how to french my hair so i can bun it right and it look neat *my roommate was my "mama bird" during this weekend, she was so nice, a teaching fellow at ASU*
go downstairs, and learn a BUNCH of stuff everyone else has had a month to prepare for...something called Skills for Stripes, or some such, which gives you a chance to get promoted before bootcamp, not that it'll do me any good, as i can't get promoted any more, already being an E-4, but i had fun doing it....i learn better under pressure...
so i pass all my stuff....Drill and Ceromony *THANK YOU MARCHING BAND!!!!*/Land Navigation/ First Aid/ Rank (recognition type thing..knowing whose who by their patch thingys)/ what LDRSHIP and APPLE-MD stand for/General Orders/Military Time/ Phonic Alphabet (got to write a sentance in the alphabet so that it can be sent with out ppl knowing what your saying unless they know the stuff)
i made friends, got friendly ribbing from my sgts and platoon mates(and gave it least to my platoon mates, i'm not stupid enough to laugh at a sgt) got my butt kicked, and am now painfully was worth it....this weekend has me so pumped..i love this thing i'm doing..i am motivated may hurt, but think of what comes with the hurt...knowlage...i think i have found my rocks hardcore

next drill weekend: rapeling and paintball "wars"(neat stuff, like teaming up and "clearing rooms" which i think means shooting everybody not on your team...hermmmm..sounds like FUN!)
heehee! its gonna be frikkin' awesome....i'll be without my roommate, as she has some teaching fellow thing to do, and i'll miss her, but i got other ppl to hang with, if they havent' shipped already... plus she ships within 2 days of me to BCT at the same place, Fort Jackson, SC....hopefully i'll see her there...she was awesome, and so nice to a newbie like me.
and i am SURE things won't be this nice at BCT, but....hey, i know what to look forward to when i get out! and dammit....i will make it through! GRR!!!!


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