getting ready to dive into my sophmore year at ASU. i still plan to join the Army after college and play beautiful music for the rest of my life. I enjoy long walks on beaches...moonlight, poetry..haha, whatever, no seriously, i love visiting new places, i love all types of animals (except, oddly, monkeys) and i like exploring the mountians i live in. my favorite smell is citrus.I love all flowers,and i'm most comfortable in jeans and tank tops. and much to my friends chagrin, i'm a devoted Rush fan :) i love sci-fi and fantasy, and myths. anything ancient history-ish i will read, and instantly love. i can be consistantly pessimistic, but at heart i'm a romantic, and ever hopeful that things will turn out alright in the end. i expect to find magic anyday now, around the most unlikely corners. when i settle down i want to have a small farmhouse, lots of animals and an absolutly HUGE wild garden that is full of flowers and interesting critters. I'm southern, and i enjoy my life. i have a scottish temper but i like to give to the ones i choose to love (very few they are, ppl hurt) and i will friecely protect them until i can no longer
i think i have just seen, possibly, the cutest thing i have ever seen..well..seen in a good long while....its small...and cute..and...and...brown...and it's josh's new puppy...i might just fall over of a sugar attack
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