Thursday, December 02, 2004

a story

Before you lies anouther zero B rumination..this is what taking Advanced Placement courses does for you:
{ a grandfather surrounded by his grandchildren, telling a bedtime story}
" The story started in that old cliche fashion; thunder thundered, rain rained, and small furry creatures ran like the dickens to avoid hail the size of either really small boulders, or really big pebbles...golfball-like hail you might say, reflectively stroking your chin, it was exactly the size of golfballs....
But the weather was not important, nor was the brooding figure in the window polishing a knife..ignore, what you should be focusing on is the dog...yes! the dog who was at that very moment sleeping..sleeping with such a sinister look of contentment upon his furry face that it was practically criminal..the beast was probably dreaming about rabbits from the way he twitched... defenseless bunnies, the horror!! a tic, focus on the sinister knife sharpener agian, the dog is distracting... As he probably means to be, the diabolical little mutt, why i'll bet..oh dear...there we go agian, hem, back to the killer...
Yes, that is what the knife-welder is, a killer!"
..a dog-killer...
{the grandmother bustles into the room} no no! the dog means nothing to the plot! shut up about the bloody dog!
{the grandfather} sorry, sorry! now where was i? ah yes...
" With much Macbeth-like dramatics, the man with the sharp object stalked towards the kitchen where his unsuspecting victim lay...he paused at the door..there the poor sod was...peaceful with the world...
the murderer lept across the room, brandishing his deadly weapon, and with a sudden downward stroke...!!! it was all over....
The rutheless killer stepped back to admire his handiwork.."ah yes," he thought to himself, his twisted little brain swimming with pleasure;" there is one more perfect cut."
Smiling, he reached down and picked up his perfectly sliced sandwich, and went upstairs to bed."

Oh, and by the way, for some odd reason, Silver has now banned me from reading anymore Douglas Adams for a while...heehee...wonder why :)


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