Monday, November 29, 2004


hey! neat stuff!
chickens can learn to play tic-tac-toe, pigeons can learn to play ping-pong, and cats can learn to find their way out of puzzle through something called operant/ instrumental of the most useful little tidbits i've learned in psychology this year, horray!
ok, in other words (thank you E.L. Thorndike and B.F.Skinner) :" The law of effect states that behaviors followed by positive consequences are stregthened, while behaviors followed by negative consequences are weakened." So, " an operant response is a response that can be modified by its consequences and is a meaningful unit of ongoing behavior that can easily be measured."
whee! any questions students?? jk, heehee, and yes, this is the same stuff that Pavlov, his drooling dog, and his bell deal with..(hint : look it up you might learn something)
so anyway, this is what caught my interest in psyc. today, and i thought i'd share something i found week's lecture: animal husbandry ;) jk


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