Thursday, November 25, 2004

turkey day!!

what can i say, the Lipizzauners were spectacular! absolutely wonderful, and the MC actually explained the traditions behind the horses and their preformances....and thanks to the Beautiful, Talented, and Wonderfully Camera Savvy Claire, i now have pictures of those majestic creatures! yay! i must say (predictably) that my favorite part of the show was the choreography to Sing Sing Sing...i absolutely hate playing that song, but when listened to while watching an exquiste white stallion go through its paces, it takes on a whole new, surreal meaning...needless to say, i loved the show last night!
anyway, thanksgiving....yeeeea....relations from the paternal side, the g'rents and the great grand matron all showed up to our house around noon, and preceded to be shown the grand tour of the eckerd sister, of course, showed off her new bedroom murals (they are beautiful, and very colorful) and i showed off the fact that i still have not managed to finish painting my room...however this could be a good thing, since it appears the color i picked out bears too close a proximity to carolina, UNC, blue....i refuse to have my bedroom painted in carolina blue..i plan to start my own murals quite soon!
so the key plan tomorrow is to avoid like the plague all shopping establishments...Black Friday and all that...ugh, if i hated shopping to begin with, i loathe it on this day of the year...and so i shall spend my morning attempting to escape the 6th Circle Hell, known as Hardee's to mere mortals, by putting in an application for work at practically everywhere hiring in the towns of Boone and Blowing Rock (which is actually closer to my house, truth be told)....and then off to my "guitar-savvy" friend's house to jam and sing and whatever, until i come home around supper time when my father is serving roast of deer...i dearly love venison, no pun intended! never been hunting before, and i really don't plan to go anytime soon, but i really despise the fact that my dad made it a condition of me learning how to shoot...whats wrong with targets???? and actually, i'd rather learn how to bow hunt, if i must seems..fairer... to me, than hunting with guns..blah..not sporting...but "the pull is too much for you"... what??!! 30 frikkin' pounds??!! whatever! anyway, time to watch some Mission Impossible...good star ;) !


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