Monday, November 29, 2004


this blog entry was written during my 0B, AP Eng class...woohoo...anyway, having finished both videos our teacher left for us, [ this latest one being about William Faulkner, an author I heartily abhore] we were directed to read our Hemingway books (the Sun Also Rises) or find something else to do. Having finished the book over the weekend, and having absolutlely nothing else to do, i decided to compose a blog for my lovely blog-readers! :)
This one, i think, since i'm already on the topic, shall be about books...I adore the written word. I can't go an entire day without reading something, whether it be a book, a magizine, a newspaper, anything! it just has to be words and sentances on paper, and i'm gone! The fact that i read very fast is a source of constant irritation to me, and other ppl around me, as i am totally convinced that i would have been able to spend more time with favorite novels, (strech them out, so to speak, savor them, in other words) if only i had read them slower, instead of over and over agian...and I also probably would have avoided a lot of the trouble a bored hana'li finds herself in...fidgeting while waiting for the class to finish, messing with her sister (who is also a fast reader), doodling on papers, talking, of my father's favorite things to say to us as children was "put the book down, and go outside." It is actually probably best he made us do that, otherwise i would not be as outdoors-loving as i am now....
once outside, my sisters and i would attempt to re-create the things we were reading about...tents from the Blue Sword, shelters like Robinson Caruso, hikes from the Narnia Chronicles, pretend battle from the Hero and the eventful and imaginative childhood, and i'm quite convinced it was not only due to the fact that there are three children in my family, but also from the fact that all of us were avid readers...
My reading habit remains my one true "vanity" and blindspot. I honestly don't know why I read so fast, and it bothers me a bit that other people don't..and that they don't share my enthusiasm for the printed word... sure T.V. is lovely, i personally adore my SciFi channel, but still..nothing replaces books, and never will in my opinion ;)

Oh! and i thought, like Silver, i would include this little rhyme I've been quite fond of for years:

"See the happy moron,
He doesn't give a damn,
I wish I was a moron,
My god! prehaps I am!"
Eugene Resolves (?)


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