Sunday, December 05, 2004

ok dears, here was hana'li's saturday:
i wake up at 9 (my mother is sitting on my bed, having just pounced upon me) i slowly get out of bed, feeling absolutely groggy and with mum bouncing around me, wander downstairs... i get on the computer, and after about an hour of messing around the net with mum ( we have such when its just should have seen us after claire sent us the website for constructing the perfect guy..hahaha!), i run upstairs for a quick shower, and slip into my usual parade outfit; bandshirt, camo pants, black socks and tennis shoes, and gather all my various outfits and supplies for the day...i get to school and herd a group of very scatter-brained, at times annoying, but loved band students onto two buses, all equiped with santa hats, gloves, instruments and hopefully music, and arrive at our parade site...after 45 minutes, we join the herd of parade-go-ers and march down the main street of Boone...keri, my beloved assistant DM, and i dance all the way down the street, generally laughing it up and having a blast (no, i DID NOT fall on my bum, like i suspected i might, but i did trip, so it was a close thing!)
this parade was so much fun, there were klingons (WOW!) storm troopers on 4-wheelers (WOOT!), cabbage queens (some of which were teachers we knew, egad!) ... then one of the new commissioner's model-T caught on fire! right in front of the meat-camp fire truck, thank goodness, haha! two guys jump out with a huge extinguisher and quickly put the car out, after everyone had bailed from it...amazing, eventful and so much fun!
anyway, the parade done, i cram the band back on the buses and get back to school, where i change at warp-speed, carry a huge speaker out to a waiting truck, yell bye to Wink and skeet off to work...i'm there until 5 :45, working my tail off, then i run to my car, get my concert clothes, change and speed off to Blowing Rock for the community band concert, in which i play 2nd tenor beside my friend's took me several attempts to find the school where we are playing and get parked, but i got there with time to spare! it was an amazing concert and afterwards i got to laugh and pal around with some of my friends, and then got to spend some time in the arms of the most wonderful guy around...*sigh* an amazing, exciting and EXHAUSTING day!


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