Sunday, December 05, 2004


the dixie chicks happen to be one of my favorite bands of a particular genre, but i have to say, i really don't agree with their lead matter what you may think of your country, you need to represent it not critisize your home when you are abroad, it is not right...freedom of speech is one thing, putting your foot in your mouth is another.
anyway, by listening to the track on the chicks' latest CD, Home, titled Travelin' Soldier, i was reminded of a service project we used to do in moving i lost track of all those little projects but i think i shall start it back up agian...we used to get togather postcards and get stamp donations and write cards to our soldiers overseas..and now espcially after seeing a note to the editior in a recent Mountain Times about supporting our soldiers, i think it will become my goodwill crusade this christmas...i have been entirely too slack in my community service efforts lately, its time i started a project to bring light into someone else's day...i may be entirely liberal in most views, but when it comes to our troops i give my whole-hearted support...they deserve it.
anyway, come monday, i plan to put up posters and start recruiting people to get this project off the ground... if you want in, lemme know!


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