Wednesday, January 05, 2005


kk folks, i'll stop slacking and write an actual post! ;)
so this monday, having been snowed out of exams before break, all us cute little high schoolers trooped our way to class and began doing..absolutley nothing..seriously, our poor teachers, having been expecting to get on with the year after christmas, just decided to what's the point? we should have taken our exams the first 2 days back..grrr..stupid administration....anyway, so exams are today and tomorrow, and yours truly, being a fabulous SENIOR , was exempt! so i had to find something to do...and this being the week that kicks off my slew of auditions, i think i will be doing a rather lot of practicing..not to be rude, but this is stuff i can's just creative, improv stuff i have issues with..but thats anouther story...
anyway, so district auditions are this saturday!! epp! i am almost prepared to "school" a bunch of bari sax posers...little bastards, (thats actually an Aussie term of endearment, heh) won't know what hit them! *is getting pumped so she won't psyc herself out* heck yeah! i want to kick some ass!! haha...
and then next weekend, is the west-regional jazz auditions...thank goodness Wink talked the great and musical Jamesy into coming! so now i have a buddy, and hopefully he won't run off to hang with cooler ppl the moment we get there...hopefully i will stay the cool cat there and beat that horrible little jazz- savvy-wanna-be who had the audacity to try to borrow my sax off me last yeah...creep! heh...anyway..i need luck, but i'll settle for lots of practicing paying off! and i would now like to thank my lesson teacher for being an absolute NAZI about scales...i am gonna whoop me some butt this year....scales are usually what holds me back...and everyone hope for lots of snow, so they have to have the clinics for both of these things on different weekends, instead of the same frikkin' one, so i have to choose between jazz and district if i make both!!! the bandmasters association needs their BUTTS KICKED for that particular move!! attending district will look awesome on my resume, but jazz is my particular passion....ack..the choices suck! if i pick district, then i lose my beloved jazz, and if i pick jazz, i can't audition for state! argggh!!!! anyway.......


Blogger silver said...

well hell yeah sister darlin' of course you'll make it (cosidering this is the week after and you already have *tee-hee*) and you're marvelous, lovely wonderful and talented-eo! love you my bari wielding ass kicking swoofty playing babe!

January 12, 2005 at 2:50 PM  

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