Sunday, December 26, 2004

random x-mas remnants

well now...
having absolutly nothing to say, i will do the customary christmas loot-telling:
lots of gift cards, and nice units of monitary exchange, pjs (of course, i loves them!!) earrings (oohhh, shiney!!!), brakes & tires ( my mum said, go look under the car dear, and see what santa left you!), Pirates on DVD from my tony, a neat native american flute CD from my favorite guy (it makes me fall asleep, shame on you! jk), and a sweater from my g-ma and g-da..i still have the dreaded Other relations to get gifts from, but i'm trying not to remember that..maybe this year, it will actually be something that's approprate for someone as old as me...unlike some previous years i could mention...anyway, and my beloved aunt could not make it down this year as her kittie was striken with something, we have still not discoverd what yet....we hope Skeeter gets better!!! and we all send much love to our favorite aunt...wish she was here, we really do!!!!
we should get together next week before sar and i go into work each day!! movies, lunch, playing around, SOMETHING!!!!!!! being absent of boyfriend and school, and having nothing to look forward to each day but hot greasy work, slaving for stupid ppl trying to get heart attacks, i could use some lovin' from my claire!!!
and as always, i miss the ones i love who are not know who you are, and i look forward to seeing each and everyone of you soon..kisses and hugs!


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