Monday, January 03, 2005

deep thoughts

to be complete, poets have romantically noted, one must find love
to be complete, scholars have wisely noted, one must develop one's mind
but can one become complete through both at the same time?
for instance, can one become involved in a realtionship with a wiser, more mature person, and become more developed themselves through that relationship? and is this fair to that "under-developed" person? is it fair to the mature one to have their hard-earned expriance so casually handed off to one who will not have to work quite so hard for the wisdom? and will this eventually create a society of people without the wisdom of age, but rather the wisdom gained from simply picking the brains of the few who have actually lived through the trials needed to get to the knowladge now open for a public of slackers?
comments please...even if you were in on the original convo..this is all rhetorical, so no hard feelings meant...i have an atheist-psuedo-philosophy essay like this...heh..tis too long to post, but if you want it, just ask...


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