Thursday, December 23, 2004

random story lines....enjoy

It was a pleasant day of no particular note, when the forerunner of humankind first heaved itself onto the beaches, (such as they were, remember, there’s no Maui yet) of Earth. Blinking slowly, flexing a few gills, and looking around in the sunlight, the under evolved little semi-vertebrate seemed a bit overawed.
The frog watched bemusedly. Seeing this newest acquisition to a world already whacky enough, it decided not to pass judgment. When the “acquisition” started to panic, however, the frog decided to hop in and say a few words.
“You know it gets better, right?” said the frog kindly, (and thus creating one of the more exasperating phrases in history).
“Wha…?” gurgled the creature, still obviously reeling, and now starting to wonder if crawling out of the ooze was as good of an idea as the advertising suggested.
“Evolution. It gets better.”
“Yeah,” said the frog;”just give it time.” And with that, the frog hopped away, content that its work was done.
The wee developing time bomb left alone on the shore flapped a few more gills nervously and ogled the sky. When it deemed no more help was forthcoming, it sighed, started its way up the dunes, and off the lonely beach.


Blogger silver said...

i love this one! i love this one!!!! *bounce bounce* heehehehehehe i was wondering when you'd get around to posting it!!! love it!!!

December 24, 2004 at 6:35 PM  

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