Wednesday, May 11, 2005


ok, so i have down time before the rigors of my AP US and Comparative Government exam, oh horrors...but as i told the BF, i slacked off all last year and still got a 3 on History and 4 on English, so i should be ok, right? i mean, i can BS with the best of them, and as long as its pretty ppl like it....
anyway, so this test starts at 8:30 in the AM and won't be over until..ooooooooooh....i dunno, 3 or 4... hour lunch break, which will hopefully be spent eating and cramming for the next stage of my Stats teacher recommended i eat a peppermint as its supposed to stimulate my brain.....but than, ppl say the same thing about peanut butter....i'm more inclined to believe the peanut butter one....protien and all that...heh..
so....TESTING!!!! ick...its a college class, but i don't get to get up and leave when i am done...i have to stay the whole frikkin time...*sigh* ah well..almost out of HS, only a few more weeks until freedom...well...5 days and then BCT...heh..which would make a welcome change from SCHOOL!!!! heeheehee
love to all, i'm off......


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