Friday, May 20, 2005

graduation draws nigh

a toast to passing AP english....i have a nice wholesome D this quarter and it doesn't bother me one damn bit! all i wanted to do was pass, and baby, i think i did!
and the last pep rally of the year is this afternoon, in the gym with lots of ickle 8th graders watching...some absurd thing called Spring Fling....heh..then its off to visit with my honey and learn how to press a uniform (wink, wink) and then on to drill for May! i hope we have fun....apprently repelling, paintball, room clearing, and night ops are on the agenda! whee!
and here's to next week....last concert of the year in symphonic band, last jazz gig at WHS, senior capping, and getting out of schol a week early! not to mention community band concert and still going to work and getting paid! score!
and on a side note...drum major try-outs for the 2005-2006 season happen on thursday...and i get to vote is secret, and still depends on the proceedings, but so far, i already know who i think will be the best...on attitude, marching and conducting....and attitude counts most to me.


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