Wednesday, May 25, 2005

2nd drill...awwww

as i sit down to tell of my weekend, i find myself not wanting to write it seems unreal moves along and things get muddled....and happiness can be taken down so quickly..ah well
so weekend:
have our last pep rally of the year, visit with BF who drives me over to the armory where i introduce him to the sgt. and then send him off for his weekend of "fun"
we leave for the castle and are driven by some nutbar who is also a sgt. and now assigned to our area...odd duck...tried to make us believe the castle had once been a mental institution and was haunted *rolls eyes* ....still....i stayed downstairs and played poker with the guys until my roommate got there with the sgt. ..silly boys...anyway, go to bed, wake up, pack up, load the van by 7:30, head to the asheville armory, where we pick up a convoy of other guard-type ppl (and when i say convoy, i mean with a hummer and everything...big MP thing with a blue flashy light and a crazy-fast driver *the same sgt. who drove me back from MEPS..amusing person, but a scary driver*) and in this grouping we arrive at the armory in Franklin, NC, and prepare for PT (btw, did i mention we got NO breakfast????) we ruuuuuuuuun in formation for a while....i kept in formation for a good chunk of the time, but had to drop out *i started watching the guys legs in front of me..kinda hyponotized me..i could breathe..i was in the zone..then i lost it and dropped out* but i caught back up several times, and finally caught the tail end before they stopped...i didn't give up, damn it!!!
then we all trotted back inside to get "freshened up" and into uniform before we progressed onto the next stage in our weekend
i had to put on a uniform for the first time.....there are TOO MANY FRIKKIN BITS TO IT!! but at least now ppl won't keep asking my rank..its right there for all to see *thanks to the wonderful BF for lending me one of his old uniforms!* and then we all ran outside and got called in to place..but first, the head sgt guy announced squad leader...unbeknownst to me, since i was a SPC, i got to be leader for first squad....scarey, but i managed
then we learned about room clearing...and then we got to actaully put what we practiced to use!! in an old building the firefighteres use to practice on....dark, sooty and nasty...we used paintball guns and had ppl hide in there and shoot at us...i got hit twice, and cried like a little girl *"suck it up princess!" thanks james :) * b/c it hurt, and my favorite sargent theatened to fireman carry me away from the building if i didn't stop *he took me aside the next day and made sure i was still ok with leading my squad, like he's supposed to..if this was real life, he'd be well within his rights to question me if he thought i couldnt handle it* but then we got to repel *we had to tie our own harnesses with was sooooo cool* and repel down a 3 story brick building....scarey-cool...i love repeling!! and then that night we got to use these thermal night vision thingys that so totally spank night vision goggles it outrageous....really neat shit...realllly neat
then bedtime, where i get to sleep on the lovely hard FLOOR! and get woken up at 4:22 AM by a bunch of stupid girls ranting about there being a rat in the room..i soundly curse them, turn on the lights *the female sgt, (and her dog) that were sleeping with us, were already woken up* and find out that the "huge rat" is in reality a scared little fieldmouse who hopped out a window when me and the sgt. came to takes another 10-15 minutes for the sissies to calm down *they spent 5 minutes thinking that the waterbottle shining in the cell phone light was a rat, and that it was moving* so back to sleep to be woken up by the sounds of ppl showering, and the sgt.s moving about in teh kitchen....breakfast *PANCAKES!!* packing, and then round robin PT *sheer torture* and then uniforms, formation and then more paintball, and repelling...i actaully suceeded in getting my team through on time with only 2 out of 12 down *and getting a chance to prove alpha-dog-ness on a certain irritating asshole i got stuck with who felt the need to disobey my orders, bastard..grrr..such an arrogent stupid asshole* and then the last run through, i was the only one left, but we finished it, my team worked so well *due to asshole getting shot on the first floor * so even though i was the last left and had to make sure the last room was clear all by myself, it was a very very good run...and then i got to repel Aussie style, which is painful and scary, and so much fun its rediculus..such a rush! its basically repelling face down to the ground..which happened to be 3 stories down! i only got to do it once and i was teh only girl who did, but it was sooo cool... then we march back up, eat luch, clean everything, load our stuff and assemble for final formation...usually we stand for whomever had advanced in rank, and then they recognize the 3 best leaders the whole weekend...the top one gets to dismiss the whole platoon..our head sgt. *really cool older guy, he was in teh 82nd!* talked about how the topperson did a good job with their team, and was a good person taht was sooo embarrasing, heh..this time i got it2! i got to lead them in 10 in cadence puch-ups and then i got to dismiss them, and we all got to go home..i was blushing sooo much..hehe..then long ass van ride home to get to finally come through my front door in uniform...that made it all family loved it... i really like wearing the makes me so proud to be doing what i am...and i really think i will go active after college...i enjoy this so feels right.


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