Sunday, December 19, 2004

babies and winter

to those of you who know why i made that sudden saturday trip to greensboro, just hold on a bit... to everyone else: my favorite married aunt (rebecca) and favorite uncle (of all time, his name is chuck, he's a bass player!) have reproduced....this was a source of dread to me b/c the only first cousins i have met have been absolute pills....its probably all thier parents fault, but still...i despise get togathers with that family...anyway, so i met Sean Joseph, the newest addition to the Eckerd (or Page in this case) clan..and he smiled at me! heehee..none of the wailing and crying that was typical from my other relations, none of the ill-temper, none of the obnoxiousness....he smiled, and laughed at me, and i found myself smiling right back, much to my surprise...this is going to turn out to be a nice cousin! yay! (and i DESPISE babies..i don't want any, and i don't need any!) but he's alright...i might actually admit i'm related to the little bugger..
anyway, it looks like it may snow (may all the gods of little fishes preserve us) but hopefully it won't snow enough to cancel least not until all our exams are over! then it can snow!!! yay! i'm looking forward (but not, also) to the threatened winter sport lessons from my babies...skiing, and boarding and iceskating! yay!
so thats all for this post, and BTW my claire has visited, i look forward to seeing her LOTS more and her new "boyfriend, " and i loved my pressie!!! i hope she enjoys hers, i listened to my CD all the way down to g-boro and back! it ROCKED! yay! and g'boro traffic usual! i'm going back down the 28-29th to visit my honeys home from college, but until then i will enjoy the peaceful surroundings of boone!


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