Tuesday, June 07, 2005


2 days in a row!!!!
yeah, thats right...i ran the whole mile, and even sped up at the end!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!! in around 10 minutes!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry, ok, that was my last post :-)

Monday, June 06, 2005

for now....

this will be my last post for some time..i leave tomorrow for Tennesse and from there wednesday to reception and BCT at Fort Jackson SC.....i am leaving silver my username and password, so that she can post updates on how i'm doing there from time to time...i will be writing letters home, so she will be able to fill you guys in....i must say, i will miss everyone *not to mention boone's heavenly summer weather* and i will miss my BF so very much...6 months baby...and still going strong..and my mum's cooking *not to mention the god'ess herself* and silver and the little one...*sigh* ah well, i have college to look forward to and much time with my belove'd and all that...orientation today was steller....brent's dad plays frisbee!!! anyway....
love to all my darlings
i hope i survive
i can if i want to ;)

Sunday, June 05, 2005


sooo..i have really short hair now....i can now do sit-ups agian *guess all i had to do was rest my poor stomach muscles* and i am nervous and excited about this summer.....i can do this...all i have to do is want it..and i do