Monday, February 28, 2005

ok, so this is how my weekend went

Friday: go to school briefly, then on to district...practice with band from 1:30 to 5:00...then 2 hour practice with laura in prep for my audition..go to jazz concert, get bored to tears, go home
(though i recognized talent when i hear it, and though this trumpet chickie was undeniably talented *Ingrid Jensen* it just wasn't my style..too modern..and the mic-ing was horrendous)

Saturday: run to ASU to practice for a bit BEFORE my day with the band, go to practice with them from 9:30 - 12:00....practice during my lunch break...go to college audition at 1:00..mum and laura and leslie attend *laura let me use her bari..OMG its BEAUTIFUL, and the tone...!!!* laura bringing a good luck necklace and lunch with her*she rocks! i hope i get to be her roomie next year!*...and then run back to district practice from 1:15-5:15...then dinner with tony...*i am exhausted by this point and in tears* and then on to the concert with two of my lovelys playing! and OH it was wonderful! everyone all dressed up, and wonderfully MUSICAL!* then i find out my BF has finally cleaned his closet out, so i can see the extent of his wardrobe *not as bad as i had feared* and then back home

Sunday: band "dress rehersal" at 8:30-9:30 then FREEDOM(!) until the concert *hunting down my uniform from an equisite looking jason in the meanwhile, man, he looked very very good in that ensemble* then lunch with my pretty and wonderful BF, then the concert WHICH ROCKED!!!!!!!!!! *our conductor looks at us and says "don't rush this piece, or i'll rip your throat out" ;)...the man was seriously one of the best conductors i have ever had the pleasure of working with...truthfully!* and then run out of that, greet the grandpatents, and the gran and the tony, and his hot friend (jk) and the shields and see the photo of when my grandparents were BOTH in the honors band 50 & 51 years ago ( g-ma = cornet, g-da = oboe) and then peel out of my uniform, put on hose, heels and a black suit and go to my scholarship interview...which i thought went well... ("what 2 ppl would you have dinner with and why? James Herriot White and Gene Roddenberry!! WHAT ABOUT 4-H??? DID YOU LIKE IT?? HOW LONG?? WHAT HAS IT DONE FOR YOU???!!!!!! eepp!) and then blissfully out to dinner, home, and then SLEEP!!!!

Monday: SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no power for the whole morning, and i had to go shovel the whole frikkin' porch, but i liked it...and SLEEP!!! mwhahahaaha!!!


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