Thursday, March 09, 2006


my one greatest weakness is not having self esteem. i mean, i'm 19 and just now undergoing the final stages of puberty...the stages that include growing certain breasts... and so naturally i'm just a bit why does he pick boobs to be obsessed over? so we go through the whole routine agian where he tells me how wonderful he thinks me and all my parts are, and than tells me how much he wants to play with other ppl's...assets....can he get over it long enough for me to get through my "growth?" in a family of naturally late bloomers it follows that i was flat as a board at 18 and have just now start to wear something besides string tops (and man do bras suck) i mean natually since ppl live longer, you would expect puberty to hold off longer..logical right? but no...thanks to growth hormones and ppl not getting outside *obscure study that one* i stand out like a freak in a big boned *really, not just saying that b/c i'm big..i have a huge rib cage* flat chested show .......late blooming does SUCK...and he has to have a breat obsession...damn men...boobs are just fat and milk ducts..i mean i wouldn't mind playing with a few, but i have very selective tastes...not him! nooooo, he'd play with anything....and i hope he can finally live up to his word and actaully really think of me as the most wonderful...i understand it must be hard on him to date some one not done growing yet, but geez.....IT STILL HURTS!


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