Saturday, February 12, 2005

hannah ideals

just to set the record straight once and for all...
i hate drugs.
knowing exactly more than enough about horticulture/plants, i must say that anyone who partakes of those organic halluigen beauties is a damn fool...and anyone foolish enough to try something out of mere courisity is just as stupid as the person who trys it out of ignorance and peer-pressure...
i my self am courisious about all things....but having the background in raising flora that i do, and in seeing my mum train police/drug dogs, i have never had the inclination to try drugs of any watching a brutially trained german sheppard attack a man in a full body suit and still cause damanage despite the protection, i wondered how anyone could be stupid enough to do/peddle/make drugs....the treat of mutilation and legal percecution was enough to deter me from ever having even so much as touched a drug...of any sort
i have developed a distaste for any sort of mood affector over the course of my 18 years...after all, how could one read as much (and what) i have and not? how could one have seen as much as i have and not? yes, prehaps i am narrow-minded...prehaps i over react to something which in fact could be quite harmless...but i refuse to let any foul and blighted drug touch me, in any way shape or form....knowing that someone does drugs, subjects themselves to such a violation causes me to look upon them without trust..and in most cases, also with pity...i cannot condone it...and i will not ever allow it near is my nature not to change a person's fact, it is one thing i will not do...i will not question a person's religion, though i myself am an atheist...i will not ask them not to do something which they want to do, even if i think it stupid and foolish...and i will not ask someone to "let me convince them" of my is not my place..i can say my bit, speak my piece, but i will not change a person...and though a few of my friends have done drugs/ still do drugs, i cannot condemn them...but they do not have my trust....a person who is not in full possesion of one's self is not a person i can trust completly...


Blogger hana'li said...

this was quite lovely..thank you all for commenting...i of course, do not have a popular opinion, but what i write in the passion of a moment, i usual stand by...i know the dangers and "safeties" of drugs..i just choose not to use them, as i am not into taking even the slightest risk when it comes to leaving ppl behind ;-)

February 22, 2005 at 7:19 AM  

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